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Social Safari a huge success

From Roy Battelle & John Fooks, Village Improvement Committee:

"Could we extend a big thank you to all the residents who travelled the Safari route on the weekend of 20/21st July. The attendance was much better than expected with almost 1,500 visits to the 18 Safari Stops along the route, plus attendance to the Village Parks i.e. West Park Meadows, Dale Road and the Sensory Gardens.

"The varied interests included attractive gardens, cream teas, bric-a-brac stalls, amateur radio event, live music concert, crown green bowling, name the scarecrow and many more.

"Over £2,600 was raised for individual's favourite charities plus another £960 donated to the Village improvement Committee who do so much to enhance the appearance of our Village.

"We were helped enormously by the weather but the interest and generosity of the Safari visitors was to be applauded, thank you!"