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Spondon Neighbourhood Board Update – February 2012

The Neighbourhood Board is always seeking new members to help shape the future of the community in which we live and decide on the priorities which affect residents which can be addressed.

Application forms to join the Board can be obtained from our Neighbourhood Manager Richard Smail on 01332 258505 or via [email protected]

DOG POO Fairy Update!

Many of you will have noticed the new stencils being applied to the entrances to our communal areas hopefully encouraging our dog owners to be responsible and clean up after their pets. This initiative has been funded by the Neighbourhood Board and requests for new areas to be considered for stencils can be made to our Neighbourhood Manager.

Canal Walkway Improvements

In response to a Neighbourhood Board request the Council Landscape Team has developed a programme for improving the existing footpath along the canal from Megaloughton Lane to Station Road. There is a possibility that funding may stretch to extending the improvements as far as Anglers Lane. Work has already started on these improvements and the project is scheduled for completion by 30 March 2012.

Brunswood Park Makeover – Community Invitation

Brunswood Park is close to the village centre and has recently seen its play area improved and refurbished. The Neighbourhood Board are now sponsoring a makeover for the park, coordinated by the Councils Community Parks Officer, and the dates have been set. The event is to spread over two days allowing painting and varnishing work to be included, the dates are Friday 30th and Saturday 31st March 2012.

Planned activities will include painting the play equipment and benches, litter picking, applying the “no dog fouling” stencil on the footway at each entrance, tidying up the entrances and a general full tidy of the park. Any other suggestions for work that could be included are welcomed.

Spondon residents are invited to take part in the event and as it is spread over both a working day and a weekend the event should appeal to all members of our community. All support is appreciated, whether you come along as an individual or if you arrange for your club or organisation to turn up in a group. To find out more about the event contact David Winslow, Community Parks Officer on 01332 641549.

SmartWater Project

Safer Spondon is running a SmartWater project at a greatly reduced price for Spondon Residents. SmartWater is a liquid that contains a unique code (similar to DNA coding) which can be read under ultraviolet light. When applied to valuables the unique code can be identified by the police and traced back to its owner. Statistically it has been proven that estates/areas covered by Smartwater Projects experience a vastly reduced crime rate.

Making Spondon a safer place to live by preventing and reducing crime and the fear of crime is the reason Safer Spondon was set up as a local community group and this ambitious project to make Spondon a SmartWater Village is being driven by them. With funding from the Neighbourhood Board Safer Spondon is working with Spondon Neighbourhood Watch Groups and the Police Safer Neighbourhood Team to deliver the project.

Smartwater is now being made available to Spondon residents at a remarkable price of £20, less than a third of the market price. One payment covers your property for life and one SmartWater kit will cover the average four bedroomed property and its contents. The project aims to be sustainable but affordable. After the launch at the Spondon Neighbourhood Watch meeting initial sales have been very encouraging.

For more information about SmartWater or to place an order call Safer Spondon on 01332 232113 or email at [email protected]