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Summer crime prevention advice from Spondon SNT

Spondon Safer Neighbourhood Team offer crime prevention advice to ensure your property, particularly outbuildings and sheds, don't fall foul of thieves over the summer months.

As summer approaches, thieves often see sheds and other outbuildings as easy targets as they are rarely adequately secured. To a thief, they are a source of easy-to-sell items such as bikes and tools. 

Keep garden tools stored away: they may not only be stolen but also likely to be used to gain access to your shed.

Outdoor security lights and CCTV are the most effective deterrents against thefts of any kind on your property. Security lights can be purchased at a relatively low cost from any hardware store. Considering the value of items stored within sheds / outbuildings, CCTV adds extra security and peace of mind.

Locks & Padlocks: No matter how strong the padlock is that you put on your shed or outhouse, bear in mind that it is only as strong as the screws holding the hasp to the shed. Many sheds / outbuildings are broken into by using a tool to prise off the whole hasp. Where possible fit a strong hasp that is well secured.

Securing bicycles: In addition to marking your bicycles with your house number & postcode, secure bicycles with a chain & padlock within your secured shed in order to make them harder to remove should your shed be broken into.

Property Marking: there are many options ranging from etching, specially designed paint pens and lacquers, smart water, Bike register chemical marking & Ultra violet (UV) pens. All of these make your property a less appealing target and leave you with a far better chance of getting your property back if you are unfortunate enough to have it stolen. For further information on these products you can contact Spondon SNT.

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