(Note: whilst every effort is made to keep this page as up-to-date and accurate as possible, we always advise to contact the relevant group/activity directly to confirm their schedule prior to attending)
Ellie Gorski Dance | 08.50 | 07703147511 |
Zumba | 9.30 | 07903002927 |
Pilates | 11.30 | 07792673924 |
Textiles and tea | 13.30 | 07801372309 |
Marcelino Fernandez Tango | 19.00 | 07415301422 |
Asterdale WI | 13.30 (3rd week) | 01332 664221 |
Dynamicmotif Dance Tuition | 16.40 | 07740069307 |
Bokwa Fitness | 18.15 | 07833401512 |
Dancing - Ballroom & Latin | 20.30 | 01159332159 |
Pilates | 9.00 | 07792673924 |
Sew Together (Conference Room) | 9.00 | 01332 671552 |
Sit 2 Fit with Nikki | 11.30 | 07792486602 |
Line Dancing | 13.00 | 01159396269 |
Spondon Historical Society | 19.30 (4th week, not Aug) | 01332 677515 |
Spondon Toddler Group | 9.30 (term time) | 07790291877 |
Zumba with Becky | 12.00 | 07903002927 |
Stroke Club | 13.30 (first Thursday) | 01332 663299 |
Arts & Crafts group | 13.30 | 01332 663299 |
Your weigh | 17.45 | 07595775720 |
Derby Roundabout | 19.30 | 07713028727 |
Bright Star Sports (children) | 10.00 | [email protected] |
Richard Keeling Dance | 13.30 (Phone to check dates) | 07717690756 |
Making Space Dementia Care Meeting | 13.15 (4th Friday) | 01332 497640 |
Ballroom / Sequence /Jive | 19.00 (Phone for dates) | 01159306973 |
Two to Tango | 19.00 (1st Friday) | 01332 781228 |
Bookings may be available throughout the year – for booking enquiries, use the online enquiry form. | ||
Tango Practica | 15:30 (1st and 3rd Sundays) | 01332 544731 |